Bird Face Wendy

Things relevant to reading, writing, publishing or marketing teen fiction.


on November 25, 2011
Has anyone ever called you a name, based on an aspect of your appearance? A name meant as a criticism or insult?
Sometimes someone among our family members or friends gives us an unflattering or annoying nickname. Sometimes the name-calling comes from a stranger or someone we barely know. Maybe the name-caller thinks he’s doing  no harm (except to embarrass us momentarily), or maybe he  does.
Wendy knows exactly what it feels like to be called a name. How about you?
When name-calling escalates to the point of interfering with your life or your enjoyment of it, it’s verbal bullying. Everyone is different, and you may deal with verbal bullying differently from someone else. But it is a good idea to talk about it with a parent, close friend, or school counselor.
If you have been called a name, what was it, and how old were you? No matter how old you are now and how long ago it happened, the name is probably stuck in your memory.
Please keep your comments clean and respectful. Use asterisks in place of any cuss words that were used in the name you were called. Pretend your mother is watching.

4 responses to “Name-calling

  1. Tim Akers says:

    I grew up with being called names all the way through high school. I can tell you that it had a profound impact on me as an adult, and still does. Words, names, are very powerful things to the human psyche.


  2. So true, Tim. When I hear adults say name-calling is to be expected from kids, I wonder if those adults were–and still are–guilty of that themselves. Often, adults may not speak to someone directly, but rather say something under their breath or to a friend (and loud enough for their kids to hear). Who hasn’t heard an adult joke about a stranger’s weight? We can set a better example for children and also explain why name-calling is so hurtful.


  3. Gretchen Engel says:

    I wasn’t called names that much but I was made fun of & picked on a lot! Oddly, I think it was a good thing – at least for me. I’ve always been outspoken & an individualist. The way I was treated solidified this. I’m comfortable in my own skin & take people for who they are. I’m rarely offended or get my feelings hurt. I’m also fiercely loyal to my friends. If I didn’t say it to your face, you can be comfortable that it wasn’t said in your absense.


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